受难日(“Good Friday”)
作者:克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂(Christina Rossetti)
难道我是石头,而不是羊吗? 当我站在,基督你的十字架下, 数着你缓慢留下的一滴滴血, 却不哭号悲伤?
不如那些蒙爱的妇女, 她们极度忧伤大放悲声, 不如跌倒的彼得痛苦流涕, 不如那个受到感化的强盗。
不如太阳与月亮, 它们在没有星星的天空掩面, 正午的黑暗带来惊恐, 我,只有我一人。
但你没有放弃, 反而寻找你的羊,真正的牧人, 比摩西更伟大,你转身注视, 击打了一块磐石。
The Original English Version
“Good Friday,” Christina Rossetti (1830–1894)
Am I a stone and not a sheep That I can stand, O Christ, beneath thy cross, To number drop by drop Thy blood’s slow loss, And yet not weep?
Not so those women loved Who with exceeding grief lamented thee; Not so fallen Peter weeping bitterly; Not so the thief was moved;
Not so the sun and moon Which hid their faces in a starless sky, A horror of great darkness at broad noon— I, only I.
Yet give not o’er, But seek thy sheep, true Shepherd of the flock; Greater than Moses, turn and look once more And smite a rock.
Christina Rossetti 这首诗的单词和句式都很简单,翻译难度不大,即使不熟悉圣经,也能依葫芦画瓢。