[按]翻译加里-史奈德(Gary Snyder)的诗,发现这哥们还有一篇代表作《劳作之后》,试译如下,请大方之家继续斧正。
窝棚和稀疏的树木 漂浮在吹动的雾霭中
我拉下你的衬衣 把冰冷的双手 放在你的乳房上取暖 你笑,继而颤抖 在烧热的铁炉前 剥着大蒜 带来斧头、耙子 和木柴
我们将倚在墙上 彼此相抵 在火焰中煨炖 直到一切变暗 变成可啜饮的 红酒
After Work
The shack and a few trees float in the blowing fog
I pull out your blouse, warm my cold hands on your breasts. you laugh and shudder peeling garlic by the hot iron stove. bring in the axe, the rake, the wood
we’ll lean on the wall against each other stew simmering on the fire as it grows dark drinking wine.
Gary Snyder